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dvancing teacher education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Building a better pedagogystandards and working conditions leading the profession

The Kurdistan Teachers Union (KTU), in partnership with Education International, has launched a comprehensive training course for educators, marking a significant milestone in the region’s educational development.

A commitment to excellence

The five-day course, which commenced on June 2nd, is more than just a series of lectures. It represents a commitment to excellence and a dedication to the professional growth of teachers who are at the forefront of shaping young minds.

Empowering educators

Funded by Education International, this initiative is a part of the global learning campaign initiated by KTU in 2023. The goal is clear: to empower educators with cutting-edge teaching methods and technological tools that are essential for 21st-century education.

A collaborative effort

The course has drawn participation from various branches and sectors of the union, all converging in Erbil with a shared vision. The collaborative spirit of this endeavor is a testament to the unity and resolve of Kurdistan’s educators.

The Khanzad Khatun Foundation’s role

The training program, conducted by the Khanzad Khatun Foundation, is a beacon of hope for many. It offers a curriculum that is both rigorous and relevant, ensuring that teachers leave equipped to face the challenges of modern education.

A message from leadership

In his introduction address, KTU President Ahmed Saber stressed the importance of continuous training, embracing a modern philosophy of education, and the necessity for personal development and skills enhancement for teachers.

A ripple effect

The impact of this course is expected to ripple through the educational landscape of Kurdistan. The participating teachers will become qualified trainers, sharing their newfound knowledge with colleagues in their respective areas.

Looking ahead

Education International, in collaboration with KTU, is set to organize broader courses for over 400 other teachers. This initiative is not just about improving education; it’s about building a community of educators who are equipped to lead and inspire.

With his initiative, KTU and its membership are joining forces with Education International’s Go Public! Fund Education campaign. This campaign represents an urgent call for governments to invest in public education, a fundamental human right and public good, and to invest more in teachers, the single most important factor in achieving quality education.

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